意大利ITALVIBRAS振動電機、ITALVIBRAS振動器,ITALVIBRAS馬達、ITALVIBRAS振動機、ITALVIBRAS振動器,ITALVIBRAS振動馬達。 ITALVIBRAS是全世界 振動電機製造商。ITALVIBRAS 公司一直致力新產品開發,努力革新技術提高產品的品質,ITALVIBRAS 的電振動器,在品質、外觀一直保持國際 地位。 ITALVIBRAS 產品廣氾用於石油田,礦山、冶金、化工、食品、陶瓷、建築等行業,優良的性能以及長的壽命,使 ITALVIBRAS 產品在中國市場有大的市場佔有率,深受國內客戶的喜愛。 ITALVIBRAS振動器主要產品: ITALVIBRAS微型系列:鋁合金體,不鏽鋼端蓋,振動力從 4-62KG, 轉速 3000RPM. ITALVIBRAS標準系列:鑄鐵體,振動力從100-25000KG, 轉速 3000 , 15000 ,1000 ,750. ITALVIBRAS立式系列:鑄鐵體,多種安裝方式,從 212-7000kg,3000,1500vpm ITALVIBRAS防爆系列:防爆等級, EEx II B T4. ITALVIBRAS特殊系列:可變頻,轉速從 0-9000rpm ,可固定安裝,懸挂安裝 ITALVIBRAS振動電機、ITALVIBRAS振動器產品型號: MVSI-3-、MVSI-3/800-S90、MVSI-15-、MVSI-15/2410-S90 、MVSI-15/550-S02 、MVSI-10-、MVSI-10/9000 、MVSI-10/12000-S90 、MVSI-15/70-S90 、MVSI-3/500-S02 、MVSI- 10/4700-S90 、MVSI-10/1110E-S90 、MVSI-10/15000-S90、MVSI-10/3810-S02、MVSI-3/100-S90、MVSI-3/300-S90、MVSI-3/500-S90、MICRO-M3120、M20-TR-、MICRO-M20-TR、MVB2500/15-A-FLC、M3/65-、M3/20-、CDX15/3810-G/U-、M3/45-、M3/4-
MVSI Electric vibrators MVSI-TS Electric vibrators with split covers MVSI-ACC Axial coupling electric vibrators MVSI-E Increased safety electric vibrators MVSS Electric vibrators in stainless steel AISI 316L MVSS-P Electric vibrators in stainless steel AISI 316L CDX Explosion-proof electric vibrators MICRO Electric vibrators with reduced overall size M3/65 Multi-hole fixing electric vibrator M3/65-E Increased safety multi-hole fixing electric vibrator MVCC Direct current electric vibrators Flanged electric vibrators MTF Electric vibrators with top mounting flange MTF-E Increased safety electric vibrators with top mounting flange MVB Electric vibrators with top mounting flange MVB-FLC Electric vibrators with central mounting flange MVB-E Increased safety electric vibrators with top mounting flange MVB-E-FLC Increased safety electric vibrators with central mounting flange VB Electric vibrators with double tapered mounting flange VB-E Increased safety electric vibrators with double tapered mounting flange High-frequency electric vibrators ITV-VR High variable frequency electric vibrators with fixed connection ITV-VR-RS High variable frequency electric vibrators with cradle connection ITVAF High fixed frequency electric vibrators with fixed connection ITVAF-RS High fixed frequency electric vibrators with cradle connection Concrete Vibra-Solution Solutions for vibrating concrete
Since 1959, Italvibras has exclusively produced electric vibrators for a wide range of industrial applications. This strategic choice has allowed us to invest all our resources – human, planning, and technological – in the development of electric vibrators, enabling us to achieve excellent outcomes in terms of both the quality and reliability of our products. Specialization has allowed Italvibras to concentrate on the implementation of the various possible applications of our electric vibrators in order to more effectively satisfy the needs of our customers, assisting them in the development of new systems and offering them further opportunities for growth.