
意大利ROLLON公司自1975年開始進入直線運動領域以來,ROLLON制定了多種系列的產品,解決了在機械設計和製造等領域的大量問題。ROLLON導軌被廣氾應用於:裝配機械、立體裝卸、醫藥機械、起重機械、雕刻機械、拉伸機械、焊接機器人、切割機械、一般性機械以及工業生產中的防護面板等眾多領域。其主要產品有:ROLLON伸縮導軌、ROLLON抽屜式導向件、ROLLON直線軸承、ROLLON線性元件、ROLLON線性滑軌、ROLLON重負荷導向件、ROLLON重負荷導軌等。ROLLON產品的系列有:ROLLON COMPACT RAIL(18系列、28系列、43系列、63系列);ROLLON TELESCOPPIC RAIL(ROLLON DS系列、ROLLON DE系列、ROLLONDBN系列、LTF44系列、ASN系列);EASY RAIL(SN22系列、SN28系列、SN35系列、SN43系列、SN63系列);UNI LINE(A系列、C系列、E系列、ED75系列);ECO LINE;X RAIL。ROLLON導軌部分型號列舉:TLV18、ULV18、NT18、NU18、TLC18、ULC18、CSW18-60-2Z、CSW18-80-2RS、CSW18-100-2Z、CSW18-120-2R等。 ROLLON公司的EASY RAIL是一種牢固的線性導軌,它以很據競爭力的價格提供了簡單地解決問題的方法,反映了該類產品在市場上是成功的。像其他ROLLON產品一樣,該類產品用冷軋鋼材製造,軌道內表面經過硬化處理,滑塊特別使用於反復的工業生產。EASY RAIL線性導軌即便在惡劣的工作條件下的負荷和運動都保持良好的性能。它們以其質量高、價格合理、運動靈活和結構緊湊而聞名。這一類型產品有5種尺寸,但其導軌和滑塊有不計其數的組合方式以解決用戶面對的不同問題,例如有多個滑塊、滑塊間單獨運行或多個同步運行。 承重導軌系列產品的改進為工業帶來一場革命。COMPACT RAIL HP 類型為設計工程師們解決了大量他們每天要面對的難題,承重的導軌由冷軋鋼製成,與滑塊接觸的內表面經過硬度強化處理,滑塊在其中運行時得到很好的保護。像所有的ROLLON產品一樣,它的滑塊實現了最流暢的移動,導軌更容易安裝且包裝簡便,這些為用戶節省了大量時間和金錢。已獲 的T+U和K+U系列能夠在未加工的表面上安裝,而且能夠在不影響負荷和移動性能的前提下"自動準確定位"。所有的滑塊都在經過特別硬化處理、精密加工的放射性的滾珠軸承上運動,這些保証了滑塊運動的高速(高達9m/s)、安靜和處於污濁環境中的良好運行。
ROLLON Corporation is a leading international manufacturer of linear bearings and actuators designed to meet the requirements of design engineers involved in machine design applications across all industries including plant assembly, packaging design, transportation, manufacturing, and medical device development. ROLLON Corporation's family of linear motion products includes its flagship Compact Rail which is a durable, precision, linear bearing system that is easy and inexpensive to mount to all surfaces – even non-machined. Other linear motion solutions include the Telescopic Rail which is a linear slider that acts like an industrial drawer slide because it telescopes beyond its mounting structure. ROLLON's X-Rail is ideal for applications where wash-downs are common because it is corrosion resistant. This low-cost linear bearing system is corrosion resistant, even after scratching, and provides a simple and cost effective linear bearing for applications where good load capacity and corrosion resistance are most important. As well its more traditional linear motion solutions, ROLLON Corporation has designed Curviline to provide an economical and versatile solution for applications with non-linear trajectories. ROLLON's range of linear motion products includes its Uniline family of linear actuators which provides engineers with a complete solution based on the Compact Rail linear rail system. Uniline linear actuators are mounted in an extruded aluminum-alloy profile and are compatible with the majority of standard mounting accessories commonly found in the marketplace. No matter what your linear motion requirements, ROLLON Corporation has the answer. Contact us today about any of the following types of linear motion products: linear bearings, linear systems, linear actuators, linear slides, linear ball bearings, corrosion-resistant linear bearings, easy-to-mouth linear bearings, industrial drawer slides, linear actuators, and belt-driven linear actuators.