

LOHSE閥門,刀閘閥,截止閥,調節閥 蝶閥 排渣閥


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德國LOHSE成立于1962,其生產的刀閘閥廣氾地應用於造紙及化工行業.產品已通過ISO 9001認証.

valves CNA Shut-off valves CDS Shut-off valves CAW Shut-off valves CDSV

MARTIN LOHSE GmbH Over 40 years' experience and success in valve construction LOHSE Knife Gate Valves for the Paper and Chemical Industry Long before the actual start of our valve development and production programme in 1962, we were already partners of the paper industry. As manufacturers of pulp vats, containers and machine parts our spe ts were always present when it was a matter of solving problems at our customers. It was therefore a logical step that we also addressed the problems of valve technology handling pulp and fibre. The complete development of our knife gate valves rests always on close coordination with the experts from paper and paper machine manufacturers.

LOHSE閥門開發與生產計劃在1962年的實際開始,LOHSE已經造紙行業的合作夥伴。作為紙漿大桶,容器及機械零件製造商的專家總是在場,這是一個在我們的客戶解決問題的問題。因此,一個合乎邏輯的步驟,我們也解決了閥門的技術問題的處理紙漿和纖維。 LOHSE刀閘閥全面發展在於總是在與從紙張和造紙機製造商的專家密切協調。這種演變開始與鑄鐵閥和帶內襯不鏽鋼通過與腐蝕,耐酸不鏽鋼製成。

This evolution began with valves made of cast iron and continued with valves lined with stainless through to today with valves made of corrosion and acid resistant stainless steel. The reject valves that were developed parallel to this and were conceived for the problem positions in waste paper processing, have since become the standard in recycling paper mills. We are now the only renowned manufacturer of knife gate valves with a service-friendly two-part housing. All others have long since abandoned this design because of manufacturing costs and now only have valve bodies with a one part housing. But the simplest way of replacing wearing parts is if the housing is in two parts. In addition, the one-part housing has the following further disadvantage: the space for inserting the valve plate in the housing has to be relatively large and this increases the danger of blocking and draining paper fibres. With our valve, this problem is prevented by the narrow tolerances between the valve plate and the smooth-running plastic internal shell. The valve guides are emptied via a specially shaped sturdy valve plate. A sophisticated system for attaching accessories and the drives - which are found here as the LOHSE modular system - is another advantage of our concept. Our repair service restores your used LOHSE COMPACT valve to an as-new condition with the guarantee of a new valve. What our customers appreciate in us: detailed advice on site on valve type and installation situation preparation of a customised offer fastest delivery times thanks to independence from sub-contractors simplest build-on possibilities for all technical accessories such as limit switches, positioners, terminal boxes, etc. competent training for the installation and maintenance personnel on site or on our premises quality guarantee through own production - the product is “Made in Germany” CE 0036 / ISO 9001 simplest replacement of wearing parts through service-friendly two-part housing our own repairs department guarantees repairs with full factory guarantee day-to-day personal support for our customers through our service technicians maintenance contracts provide the best possible security further development of our products in close cooperation with our partners in the paper industry



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