
法國DELAT DELAGE作為ADES旗下品牌,至今已有40多年的閥門生產經驗,其生產的閥門以其高質量高密封性而著稱,產品廣氾地應用於鋼鐵,石化,印刷,包裝等行業.
ADES旗下還有AUXIM閥門,RAFLEX閥門,SOMEPLAN閥門.AUXIM閥門有高壓閥門和低壓連接件,產品從1950年起,就廣氾地使用在輪船行業.AUXIM液壓閥還廣氾地使用地鐵路,Raflex connectors也廣氾地鐵路機車.
40 years’ experience for unparalleled performance
The successive integration of the Auxim and Delta Delage brands gives Ades Technologies the benefit of 40 years’ experience in hydraulic valve high-pressure solutions.
ADES Technologies was a pioneer in this field, introducing “between-flange” solutions from the outset, which were adapted to the SAE standard and floating sealing, which have often been copied but still have the technological lead. In addition, special care has also been taken in the design of high-pressure valves up to very large sizes.
Under the Delta Delage brand, these valves with special seals are among the best-performing valves on the market.
Delta Delage Products
DN: from 6 to 50
Pressure from 200 to 350 bars
Impact: Manufacturer
DN: from 15 to 100
Pressure: See ISO standard 6162-1
Impact: SAE
DN: from 15 to 50
Pressure: See ISO standard 6162-2, 420 bars
Impact: SAE
H352 and H354
DN: 40, 50, 65, 80
Pressure: 350 bars
Impact: Cetop/PN400 or Manufacturer (DN40 and 50)
DN: 6 to 40
Pressure: 630 bars
Impact: proprietary
Multi-way manifold
DN: from 15 to 50
Pressure: See ISO standard 6162-1 and 6162-2
Assembly: between flanges or new version on base
Impact: SAE or Manufacturer (on base)
Sleeve: phosphate-treated steel, stainless steel (or surface treatments on demand)
Ball: Stainless steel
Sealing: Polyacétal
Seals: Buna, FKM (Viton), EPDM, Specific
Handle: forged steel
Temperature range: according to seals
Assembly options
In-line (between flanges)
Flanged laterally impact (with or without retaining plate)
On base (Manifold)
Any type of flange (BW, BSPP, SW etc) SAE impact
Cetop or proprietary (RD)
Micro contact (electric or induction)
Can be padlocked
Type of drive (pneumatic, electric, hydraulic)
Repair kit.
Type of circuit
Aeronautical oil
Product benefits
Low operating torque including high DN at high pressure
High pressure/high DN/Operating torque
Flange connection (standardized SAE or manufacturer RD)
Easy fitting and removal with flange connection, without moving the pipework
Small spatial requirement with built-in connections
No more stacking of connectors or risk of leaks
Integral passage
High-pressure resistance (delta P maintained)
Manufacturer’s plate (traceability)
Individually assembled and tested
Reliable performance over time
Low operating costs
Proven design (dating from the 1960s for the RDs and 1980s for the HPs), based on hydraulic know-how.
Experience in difficult environments where reliability is required

RA 20
- DN: from 8 to 50
- Pressure: 10 bars
- Connection: BSPP, in-line mounting
- Temperature: -25° to +70° (low-temperature seals available)
- Options: vented, handle position, kit de maintenance, other seals
- Sleeve: phosphate-treated steel or GS cast iron
- Rotating cylinder: brass or chemical nickel plating
- Handle: steel or cast iron
- Micro contact
- Twinning
- Custom valves made to order

The benchmark for check valves
ADELTA DELAGE s for high-pressure valves, the high-pressure check valves range complies with SAE 3000 & 6000 (ISO standard 6162-1 & ISO 6162-2). The SAE check valve allows assembly between flanges or flanged against a block (smooth or tapped holes). It is also possible to adapt the tapping to the needs of different hydraulic systems.
DN: from 10 to 50
Pressure from 210 bars
Impact: ISO 6162-1
DN: from 15 to 50
Pressure: 420 bars
Impact: ISO 6162-2
Sleeve: phosphate-treated steel, Stainless steel (or surface treatment)
Valve: Steel or Stainless steel
Seals: Buna, FKM (Viton), EPDM.
Tapping from 0.5 to 5 bars in standard version, or custom
In-line (between flanges/tapped holes)
Laterally flanged impact (with or without retaining plate/smooth hole)
Seals at inlet and/or outlet end
Any type of SAE impact flange
Type of circuit
Product benefits
Standardized SAE connection
Easy to fit and remove
Small space requirement with built-in connections
High-pressure resistance (delta P maintained)
Manufacturer’s plate (traceability)
Performance over time
Low operating costs
Experience in difficult environments where reliability is required.

DELTA DELAGE ADES Technologies, a key European player Since the early 1970s, Ades Technologies (Delta Delage) has developed connection systems for low-pressure hydraulic systems. The range has been enriched with a number of innovations; in particular those concerning the protection of people ("jet deflector" systems). After acquiring machines and tools from Forges de la Becque, Ades Technologies has become a first-class player in Europe by mass-producing SAE 3000 and SAE 6000 flanges. Quality excellence Ades Technologies is a member of the ISO commission and actively helps improve standards. BW SW SWR Tapped Threaded Blocks Blocks with BW, SW ends Deflector Option BSPP NPT BSPP BSP Conical NPT "E" "L" "T" "X" ISO 6162-1 (SAE 3000) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 6162-2 (SAE 6000) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ISO 6164–1 (PN 250)-CETOP X X X X X - X X X X X X - - ISO 6164-2 (PN 400) 6 CETOP X - X X X - X X - - - - - - PN 600 X - - - - - - - - - - - - X

DELTA DELAGE Low- pressure Auxim connectors: tried-and tested products Auxim connectors are proven products in demanding applications such as railway rolling stock braking systems. They are also very efficient in other sectors. Navy: water system (washing, domestic, soft and salt water cooling systems, scupper circuit etc), air circuit (inert gas, compressed air, air release, probe and filling, steam and condensate), oil transport etc Chemicals and pharmaceuticals: for all types of fluid transportation with adapted elastic seals. Can be mounted on glass tubes Other industries: nuclear (radio protection), engines (diesel, thermal, gas), all low and high temperature applications, multiple fluids (studies required) etc Tried-and-tested connectors Auxim Rx connectors are designed to: join together smooth, rigid or flexible pipes ? 1/8 to ? 2” and ? 6 to ? 57 mm (? tube’s outer diameter) simply with the aid of two open-end spanners, avoid the need to thread, solder or splay the tubes or fit a sealing ring, withstand service pressures of 600 bars (? 6 mm) to 50 bars (? 57 mm) according to diameter. Product benefits When fitting: Axial trimming for each tube ≥ 3° Standard or thin-walled tubes can be used with higher tolerances for outer diameter Tubes of different materials can be connected Excellent vibration, pressure and temperature resistance (CETIM trial no. 6019718 /661/4a of 20/11/92) In use: Spatial requirement: smaller bending radius Safe because it is fully sealed, reliable thanks to its resistance to vibrations and durability commensurate with the service life of the rolling stock. For maintenance: The same seals can be used when dismantling and reassembling, without the need to cut the tube. No deformation of tube or alteration of surface state, no preparation (threading, crimping, soldering etc) required Easy to take apart and reassemble (union slides onto the tube) Low operating cost and low maintenance Specifications Type of connectors: straight union, stud male/female/reducing union, elbow, male elbow, Tee, Male/reducing tee, adjustable, multi-directional, cross, Y branch, bulkhead, male/female/reducing union adaptor, plug etc Available materials: steel, brass, stainless steel aluminium Sleeve coating: electrophoresis, phosphate treatment, white galvanized (without hexavalent chromium), Clamping device: steel, brass, stainless steel, aluminium, plastic Seal: NBR, EPDM, Viton, Silicon, and "low temperature" Layout: cylindrical/conical gas, NPT, ISO metric Type of circuit: Compressed air, butane, propane etc; Water and steam, ozone etc; Hydrocarbons, liquid or gaseous etc Quality excellence Auxim Rx connectors are made to ISO 9001 standard Ed.2000.

DELTA DELAGE High-precision flow dividers The rotating gear flow divider is the ideal device for fully synchronizing cylinders. Very easy to use and finished to a very high standard, ADES Technologies’ flow divider will satisfy the most exacting requirements for precision and reliability. Materials Sleeve: high-strength semi-steel Gear: treated, ground and polished stainless steel Dimension and pressure Capacities from 2 to 30 cm3/T Input pressure of 17 bars at 350 bars as standard Type of circuit Mineral oil as standard or glycol water Applications Any application requiring full synchronization of cylinders (2% variance, compensating speed 1/10th of a second) and great reliability. Product benefits High in-flow rate possible Precision: 98% efficiency at an ideal rotation speed of 1500 rpm Built-in pressure controller, by section Leaks are impossible between sections Regular flow rate guaranteed Compensating speed between cylinder in the order of 1/10th of a second* Can be used as pressure intensifier Reliability: average service life of 35000 hours* (*not contractually binding)